I am Tina Smith, financial coach and President of The Financial T Coaching and Consulting Firm. “Does that make sense?” is one question I ask to make sure the message of financial improvement is getting through. I am passionate about educating young professional clients, to motivate them to act in improving their current financial situation.
I know why it’s important to have a financial coach and a real financial plan early in a professional career. As a young military person, I experienced financial coaching and still reap the benefits today. In fact, having a financial coach early in my career secured my decision to leave an established firm to concentrate on serving young professionals.
I have been an investment advisor representative, and a health and life insurance agent for multiple states across the country. My Occupation Education Bachelors degree is from Wayland Baptist University, and am currently pursuing a Certified Financial Planner certification though American College of Financial Services.
I continue to be active in the community. I serve as a deacon in my church, a mentor at a local community college, and a financial volunteer aboard Quantico Marine Corps Base. I share principles from my book, It’s Your Turn: Walk In Your Financial Purpose in and around the Washington, D.C. area. I retired from the Air Force in 2013. I am married to Karshi, and we have one son, Anthony.